FEI/Gandini World Dressage Riders Rankings - 2 Americans in Top Ten
Nadine Capellmann (GER) with 78.750 pts and Lisa Wilcox (USA) with
78.208 pts.
Ingrid Klimke (GER) enters the Top Ten with an incredible jump from 16th
to 7th place. The performances of the couple she forms with her 12 years
old BWP gelding Nector vh Carelshof has greatly improved over the last
weeks. She finished 1st in the Grand Prix and Kür in Berlin and
Stuttgart (with a record score of 79.40 in the Kür of Stuttgart), and
2nd in the Grand Prix and Kür of Hannover. She is second of the
standings of World Cup standings of the Western European League, behind
Jan Brink (SWE).
1 Ulla Salzgeber - 79.856
2 Nadine Capellmann - 78.75
3 Lisa Wilcox - 78.208
4 Beatriz Ferrer - Salat - 77.21
5 Lars Petersen - 77.07
6 Debbie Mcdonald - 76.558
7 Ingrid Klimke - 75.206
8 Isabell Werth - 74.709
9 Rafael Soto Andrade - 74.366
10 Arjen Teeuwissen - 74.302
Complete rankings are available from the FEI webite
(section consult/results)