Meg Krueger Elected as President of Equine / Equestrian Canada
On Oct. 13, 2017, the conclusion of the Equestrian Canada (EC) Annual General Meeting took place, followed immediately by the inaugural meeting of the incoming EC Board of Directors, where the appointments of President and Vice President were made.
AGM Conclusion
The 2017 EC AGM conclusion was held via conference call with incoming and outgoing EC Board members and the 27 EC Voting Members. The community was encouraged to tune in via a Facebook Livestream broadcast, which is now available on the EC website at
The AGM commenced on Sept. 25, 2017, with the acceptance of the 2016-17 EC Financial Statements deferred for 21 days to comply with the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act.
The 2016-17 Financial Statements were accepted by the Voting Members on Oct. 13, with 19 in favour, and three against, and the 2017 EC AGM was officially concluded.
Incoming EC Board of Directors Start Term
The conclusion of the 2017 EC AGM marked the official start of the term for the incoming EC Board of Directors, with the inaugural meeting following the AGM to appoint the President and Vice President.
The Board elected Meg Krueger of Missisauga, ON as President, and Rupert May of Langley, BC as Vice President.
Krueger and May join returning Directors, Dominique Chagnon (QC), Peggy Hambly (ON), Doug Orr (AB), as well as new Directors, Craig Collins (ON), Charles Cue (NS), Robert Mitchell (BC), Carla Robin (BC), and Chris Sorensen (ON).
For more information on the EC Board of Directors, visit .
Message from EC President, Meg Krueger
"It is with great honour and enthusiasm that I take my seat as President of the Equestrian Canada Board.
The Board recognizes that we will face a steep learning curve and significant work ahead. That said, an important foundation has been laid in this organization, thanks to the hard work and dedication of staff and past Directors. The incoming Board is grateful to benefit from their knowledge and experience.
I would like to recognize the invaluable work that has been done in the development of governance and strategic plans by the outgoing EC Board of Directors. Thank you to Peggy Hambly and Tony Eames for their extensive contributions as President and Vice President, and to Deanna Phelan, Liz Saunders, Jorge Bernhard and Lisa Lazarus who have completed or ended their terms as Directors, having generously volunteered their time and expertise throughout their tenure.
The incoming Directors; Craig Collins, Charles Cue, Rupert May, Robert Mitchell, Carla Robin Chris Sorensen and I look forward to working with Dominique Chagnon, Peggy Hambly and Doug Orr, whose terms continue.
Working together this weekend, the Board had a productive and collaborative first meeting. Following an in-depth information sharing session with outgoing Board members, as well as department updates from EC staff, several action items and motions were conducted. Our first priority was the appointment of a CEO Search Ad Hoc Committee, which exists for the sole purpose of bringing forward recommendations to the Board for the hiring of an Interim CEO.
Board Committee Chair appointments were made, and discussions included the improvement of the flow of communication within the EC constituency, including the production of regular financial reports. The Board has a great combination of skill, experience, knowledge and passion and is committed to leading EC to a new era of success.
I would like to thank the EC staff and recognize their continued dedication and hard work, particularly during recent transitional times. Times of change are difficult, but with the collaboration of a strong team and open communication, EC is well equipped to handle any further challenges that may lie ahead.
I would like to encourage the constituents of EC to reach out with questions, comments or feedback for the EC Board of Directors at We look forward to serving you."
Meg Krueger
Equestrian Canada
AGM Part 2 - October 13, 2017 Video
AGM Part 1 - September 25, 2017 Video